More Wish List [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at
Thu Jan 4 09:40:28 PST 2001
<x-flowed>Drake Etal,
>Another Wish
>16) More wiring space.
>-This goes for the AC wiring compartment. If #6 wire is run through the side
>knockouts, it is a squeeze keeping the wire away from the printed
>circuit board
>where it makes a 90 degree bend up to the terminals.
Agreed. It is doable, but a real pain. While they are at it,
17) 100A internal relays and #2 wire terminals would be great for
battery based grid intertie systems.
>On the DC side, a larger "conduit box" or different arrangement
>would be helpful,
>as we could conveniently run standard and more available electrical cable
>(THHN-THWN) from the disconnect to the inverter. The KO on the bottom of the
>conduit box doesn't line up well with the lugs. If it were directly
>we could more easily use standard wire.
>We could also use a DC disconnect box with more room. Why does DC
>wiring have to
>be done in such small spaces that it has to be wired with extra flexible wire?
>The Trace DC disconnect should have room comparable to (or bigger than) any
>standard 200 amp disconnect switch. Also why is that little box so bloody
>expensive, require so much assembly and have a yoke (to hold the breaker) with
>razor sharp edges.
>Why are the 2" knockouts so tight that they will barely accept a
>standard 2" PVC
>male adaptor? The tolerance on Square D, GE, ITE, Cuttler Hammer, etc is much
>looser. Why can't Trace go to a dimension more in line with standard ac
Yep,yep,yep. I'm thinking a box redesign with three 2 or 2 1/2" KOs
in the bottom would be nice. Or failing that, stay with the same box
if they gotta, but move the KO from the right side to the middle as
you suggest.
- - - - - - -
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