PV Installer Certified Program [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at snowcrest.net
Thu Dec 20 06:47:58 PST 2001
Agreed. Except that an inspected system is NOT good enough. Nearly
every inspector I've encountered hadn't a clue what he was looking
at, didn't know the Code as it applied to RE, and-in more than one
case-wasn't the least BIT interested in learning something new. Hey,
it's a County job, ya know?
>Hi Bob-O,
>I'm for some kind of rating, but as I see it, they have to get into the real
>world with what is happening.
>You can't legislate compentence, that's just the way it is.
>Funny how how an inspected system isn't good enough?
- - - -
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