SW Efficiency/ PWM Angle Adjustment [RE-wrenches]
Ezra Auerbach, Trace Engineering
ezra at lasqueti.net
Mon Sep 17 13:05:24 PDT 2001
Hi All,
Sorry to wade in here so far after the discussion, but I've been caught out
in the wide world and getting back across Canada precluded email access. I
have read this dialogue with some interest, though I hasten to add that I am
not a setting tinker, and stay as far away from the tech menu as
circumstances will allow.
I forwarded some of the comments and suggestions being made about altering
factory default settings to one of our Engineers. He was kind enough to send
me a thorough report which concluded with the following passages. I concur
with the recommendations.
"It was not intended to be used in the field unless under controlled
conditions using certain equipment by our tech support group.
It is our position that this is a tech menu supported function only and
should not be used in the field, unless authorized by tech support, or other
qualified personal from Xantrex. Any other changes within the tech menu that
are missadjusted could cause damage that may void the warranty."
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mr. Sharkey" <sharkey at eugeneweb.com>
To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 10:31 PM
Subject: Re : SW Efficiency/ PWM Angle Adjustment [RE-wrenches]
> Bill;
> Apology accepted.
> > I had been working in
> >the field all day troubleshooting systems and was pissed off with the
> >mistakes I found and was little on edge when I got your message.
> Maybe you should consider finding a less stressful means of employment.
> >it appears that you still are not convinced
> Well, yes, I have a bit of doubt that a one-size-fits-all setting is the
> optimum for every installation, but have no means of deciding if the
> alternatives are any better than the factory default. I would still be
> interested in knowing what the power factor actually is on a typical
> installation, and how much that is varied by the setting of the PWM Angle
> adjustment. If I'm seeing a 30% change in (amp clamp) current from one end
> of the setting to the other, what percentage change in power factor is
> taking place? As much as 30%?
> BTW My SW 2512 is UL listed, and it has the default as 129. It's a very
> early model, serial #00013, so it appears that not all of the UL listed
> inverters got the fix.
> -S
> - - - -
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