PV as an investment [RE-wrenches]

Carl Emerson freepower at freepower.co.nz
Fri Sep 7 17:21:37 PDT 2001

Looking at the bigger picture, short term thinking for financial gain largely driven
by bean counters has landed the world in an environmental mess.

Those who look for pay back continue to perpetrate the same ethos that caused the
problem in the first place.

Those who choose solar regardless of the short term benefit (or lack thereof) take a
responsible position and break the cycle of greed and environmental

I have recently seen just how much the short term greed thinking has caused the
mess. I have a school considering solar yet they are talking of pay back instead of
seeing the opportunity to point the way to responsible long term proactive
ecological solutions to the environmental crisis.

Carl Emerson.
FREEPOWER LTD.  "Harnessing Natural Energy"
P.O. Box 10-1207 N.S.M.C. Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
Ph. 09 4275206 fax 09 4275208  cell 021-633999  web www.freepower.co.nz

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