Water pumping on grid tie [RE-wrenches]
Travis Creswell, Ozark Solar
ozsolar at ipa.net
Wed Aug 15 20:08:48 PDT 2001
Hello William,
Due the typical utility rate structures (incredibly high kw demand in
relationship to the low kwh usage = very expensive commercial electricity)
that most electrical services dedicated commercial water pumps are on you
might be able to save them some money but it would be tricky. The best
thing you could do to save money is reduce the peak demand. A batteryless
system couldn't do that as the big pumps are probably already limited to
running at night to get into the cheaper off peak electricity. I am
familiar with analyzing commercial energy conservation projects for the best
possible pay backs and might be able to help you do a quick financial
analysis just to see if its even feasible. Let me know of I can be of any
Travis Creswell
Ozark Solar
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Miller" <wrmiller at slonet.org>
To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 4:37 PM
Subject: Water pumping on grid tie [RE-wrenches]
> Pals:
> Do any of you have any knowledge of anyone using grid tie systems to
> energy costs for water pumping? Of particular usefulness would be any
> small water districts doing so. Thanks in advance.
> William Miller
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