DC Pumps [RE-wrenches]

Carl Emerson freepower at freepower.co.nz
Sat Jun 30 04:04:58 PDT 2001

hugh piggott wrote:

"Isn't there a new-fangled gismo you can buy nowadays called an 'inverter'?
Or am I missing something..."

I believe that a brushless DC motor delivering equal torque is may times more
efficient than an AC motor.
We always look for a DC solution for pumps etc. A second advantage when using
a Trace SW set-up is the ability to operate off the battery bank during sleep
mode, without waking up the inverter.

Carl Emerson
FREEPOWER LTD.  "Harnessing Natural Energy"
P.O. Box 10-1207 N.S.M.C. Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
Ph. 09 4275206 fax 09 4275208  cell 021-633999  web www.freepower.co.nz

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