becoming an inter-tie system [RE-wrenches]

Allan Sindelar, Positive Energy, Inc. allan at
Sun Mar 4 14:14:12 PST 2001

I would suggest that Code revision as it affects the PV industry is one of
the most appropriate and important topics we as wrenches could undertake.
I'd like to participate in the process, as NEC compliance is highly relevant
in this part of Nuevo Mexico.
I also suggest that it be managed through a separate RE-NEC e-mail forum,
much like RE-marketing/RE-wrenches are differentiated now, in order to keep
the number of postings manageable. Those who wish to participate or lurk in
either or both can choose to or not.
Allan @+E

----- Original Message -----
From: "Drake Chamberlin - Electrical Energy" <solar at>
Subject: RE: becoming an inter-tie system [RE-wrenches]

If all Wrenches had the opportunity to hear about the rules as they are
> being formed, some real influence might be possible.   We could hash out
> the ideas on the list, and submit our proposal to the committee.   This
> could be a real opportunity.
> Drake

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