Power Centers, multiple inverters [RE-wrenches]
mmangelsdorf at hei.com
mmangelsdorf at hei.com
Wed Feb 14 17:40:37 PST 2001
I've had a dual SW5548 systems with stacking interfaces in the field since
late 1999. All is working well as far as I know. One important thing to
know: if one inverter is having a problem of any kind, they both will go
down. If any battery charging is going on, I believe that Trace recommends
using one inverter only to battery charge.
Related question: Has anyone used the SW parallel stacking interface? Does
it work? This is a BIG residential system; the G.C. (general contractor)
wants more AC capacity, but I have recommended no inverter stacking, either
series or parallel, in order to maximize simplicity and reliability.
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