SW4024 switching issue [RE-wrenches]

sunwise at cheqnet.net sunwise at cheqnet.net
Wed Feb 7 08:08:56 PST 2001

Kirk Herander, VT Solar wrote:
>Kurt: Are you saying that the Trace automatically switches back to inverter
> mode before sending the stop signal?

Hey Kirk,
Yea, I was under the impression that this was the case.  I live with
old, pre-SW inverters here and at the shop, and my SW manual has
disappeared (not that it would work the way the manual says), but thats
the way I remember it.  If this is not the case, we need to put it on
the LIST.  Why send a stop signal to the generator and wait for the coil
voltage to crash on the internal contactor when at the same moment (or
before) the
stop signal is sent, you can transfer the relay while the loads still
have happy voltage.  I could be mixing this up with the GenMate's
software, but I though the Trace even allowed for a little cool down
period (running the genset unloaded) prior to shutting it down.  If this
is not the case, please let me know.  Not only would I want it on the
List, I also just had a similar conversation with a client.  He said his
generator shut off instantly when he shut it down by moving the curser
to OFF.  I told him to try it by allowing the Trace to automatically
(AUTO) shut down the generator. That is why I included the question in
my last post -- Kurt Nelson

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