Bergey XL-1 [RE-wrenches]
Lawrence Elliott
larry at
Fri Nov 9 08:09:54 PST 2001
I have installed one Bergey XL-1 to date. It took almost one year to
ship from date of order. Then the controller was defective and we had a
nightmare getting a new one. It also would not meet NEC or local codes
as shipped.
The generator appeared to be on par with most of the "marginal , good
enough to get by on ,quality" items we always get from the Chicoms.
Remember girls and boys Bergeys now come from the same folks who just
publicly stated that we as Americans deserved what happened in New York
on Sep 11th. Don't believe it? Do a Nexus search.
Isn't it interesting that we have tales of the funky welding and other
less than complimentary comments regarding the XL-1 yet nothing but
glowing praise for the excellent tower that by the way comes from a top
company in; you guessed it, the good old USA.
Isn't it a shame that NRG doesn't have them made in China so the
customer can save $20 on the $800 tower NRG had built for $100 by slave
labor, that at one time employed Americans to build a better item for
$300. Oh well. NRG management just hasn't gotten their religious
training in the new God of globalism.
Same crap we hear about "Oh PV is too expensive"
"Can't we save a few dollars on my wind system" ?"How else can I pay for
my new SUV with all the options"?
Why don't we just have everyone order all of their "cheap" wind turbines
direct from China over the Internet. Save the middle man shipping and
handling. Or better yet just move over there. Save the shipping charges
Mike Bergey has fallen into the mindless void that says " But you can
build it cheaper in China" Just what the hell is "cheaper"
Seven and eight month lead times and questionable quality with prices
very close to Whispers or other domestic plants has caused me to
consider buying Bergeys to be less than patriotic.
I have a Bergey 1500 up and flying and it is a true testament to Yankee
I can still pick up a phone and order a Whisper that comes in a week or
so. I prefer the Bergey from an engineering standpoint but I will sell
the Whispers and others coming from countries that actually like
Americans. Most of my customers would buy a Bergey even if it cost $500
more being made in America. I also feel the need to help those poor
starving guys at Southwest. Maybe my next purchase will allow them to
have a decent meal outside of the soup kitchen or a better card board
box to live in. They obviously sell all their units for less than it
costs to manufacture. Don't they??? And I know all of their greedy
employees are just bleeding management dry. Aren't they??
Maybe I'm just naive and need an MBA in economics or business to
understand what prayers and chants I need to recite in order to be a
good and obedient member of the Church of Cheaper Global Free Trade
Products United.
By the way I have tried in desperation to get an XL-1 in 48VDC. No luck.
I guess we have to wait until all the Chinese can read english language
tech manuals while still in leg and arm shackles.
Nuff ranting and spouting of that equivalent of swearing to the PC
crowd. Nationalistic pride!
Larry Elliott
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