2 gensets connected to SW (was Clarification) [RE-wrenches]
Pagan MacKay
Pagan.MacKay at traceengineering.com
Thu Sep 13 18:04:21 PDT 2001
Hi Hugh,
Definitely a conundrum...no easy answer forthcoming. I've got some ideas but
no quick fix. If the info below doesn't help I'll arrange to get you in
touch with an application engineer to try and work through the possibilties.
It could be something to do with genset excercise time - default is 10
minutes. Is the genset running for 15 minutes or is it 10?
Or it could be something inherent in the generator. For example, some
gensets start automatically when mains is removed. If the 3kw "thinks" mains
has been cut when the 10kw is turned off it might be starting automatically.
Let me know about genset excercise time and also let me know the genset
brand. That might help figure out what is going on.
Here's one.
A customer has an SW2512 with 2 diesel gensets connected - a 3kW on
demand at AC2 and a 10kW manual start for high load times, on AC1.
The 3kW starts and runs very nicely on low battery or high load as
required. The users are very happy. One conundrum they would like
to understand is this, though:
Whenever the 10kw on AC1 is stopped manually (batteries are charged,
load is low), the 3kW on AC2 starts up and runs for about 15 minutes.
"voltage start ready NO" "Load start amps ready NO"
any ideas?
- - - -
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