$4.50/W rebate [RE-wrenches]
Joel Davidson
joeldavidson at earthlink.net
Wed May 16 17:46:10 PDT 2001
Today the California Energy Commission increased the Emerging Renewable
buydown rebate from $4.50/W or 50% of total costs for PV and wind
systems installed on or after February 8, 2001. It is my understanding
that by law only 40% of the total funds can be used for larger projects
which means 60% of the money will continue to be available for projects
up to 10 kW.
For your information, rebate money does not come from taxes. The money
comes from a "public benefit" charge of about US$0.0025/kWh (a quarter
of a penny per kWh) on everyone's electric bill which is about $1 to $2
per month for most residential ratepayers. The buydown rebate receives
only a small part of the hundreds of millions collected annually. Public
benefit money must be spent for (1) energy programs that benefit low
income people; (2) energy efficiency programs; (3) research, development
and demonstrations programs; and (4) renewable energy. The CEC
administers money collected from Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern
California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric customers. California
municipal utilities administer their own separate public benefit funded
programs. The public benefit program received a popular mandate last
year and has been extended through year 2012.
Congratulations to the dedicated, hard-working PV advocates in
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