Hi All Battery Friendly Wrenches -<div><br></div><div>We have a situation I haven't crossed yet - we have a Sunny Island grid tied battery back system system with a 48 V battery bank consisting of eight 6 Volt AGM batteries. The charging breaker feeding the Sunny Island in the main electrical panel was shut off by another contractor for about 3 months which caused the Sunny Island to slowly drain the batteries until it fully shutoff in order to protect the batteries. The bank now reads 24 Volts. That's low! The Sunny Island is, according to SMA, powered directly from the battery bank and won't even turn on. SMA tech support is recommending that we charge the batteries and then turn the system back on. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Any ideas about the best way to charge a 48 V battery bank?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for your advice,</div><div><br></div><div>-August</div><div><br>-- <br>August Goers<br>VP, Engineering<br><br>
Luminalt Energy Corporation<br>1320 Potrero Avenue<br>San Francisco, CA 94110<br>O: 415.641.4000<br>M: 415.559.1525<br><a href="mailto:august@luminalt.com">august@luminalt.com</a><br>