<DIV style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt;"><DIV>Since we work in many states, we usually use local electricians to do a large part of the wiring after modules and inverters are mounted. Most do a great job even without prior solar experience as long as we are there to direct their work. On every job after the wiring is completed, I personally inspect and meg all wires before system startup. </DIV>
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<DIV>99.5% of the time I never find a short, but I did find one shorted array lead between the last module and the combiner box where the wire insulation had been nicked on the end of a support leg that had a sharp burr where it was cut during assembly. This wire had a sharp bend around the end of this leg and the nicked point was where it was touching the frame. It was very hard to find since it was on the underside of the strapped down wire and we would have not found it at all without the megger.</DIV>
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<DIV>I had almost decided megging was a waste of time since we never found anything wrong in over 15 years until this recent problem, so looks like we will continue to check every system as we have in the past.</DIV>
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<DIV>Jeff Yago</DIV>
<DIV>DTI Solar</DIV><BR> <BR><HR>Netscape. Just the Net You Need.</DIV>