[RE-wrenches] No Mistake

drake.chamberlin at redwoodalliance.org drake.chamberlin at redwoodalliance.org
Tue Feb 18 07:13:00 PST 2025

Hi David,

RSS is no mistake. The War on Solar is real. Due to a recent computer 
crash, I am having problems finding my links documenting the intentional 
attack on PV from the Koch Brothers and the utility industry in general. 
I will check on another computer that may still have the information. It 
is at a different location.

I went on the Wrench list with my concerns when this was first proposed, 
until I was told to stop. Individual homeowner solar is viewed as a big 
problem for utility profits. There are other ways to safeguard 



_Drake Chamberlin_

_Athens Electric LLC_

_Ohio Electrical Contractor's License 44810_

_NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional_
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