[RE-wrenches] Outback radian inverter with FM 100 ground fault

Dana Orzel dana at solarwork.com
Sat Jan 18 14:40:18 PST 2025

Hey, all you wise ones,
37 years in the business and I’ve never had a ground fault ever in any installation I’ve done or my home systems. I went out to my system here an hour ago and one FM 100 is completely turned off claiming ground fault on the mate 3S.
I guess my first question is :

Is this really a ground fault ?

I had removed the ground fault breaker when I upgraded due to space considerations

In my entire time in this business, I’ve never had to deal with the ground fault any suggestions on how I should be tracing this?

Has anybody seen this in an FM 100 when it wasn’t a ground fault?

I do own a megger&  I’ve never had to use it. I only bought it about three months ago cause it seemed like a good idea and I might need to use one someday, Maybe I’m psychic ?
now if I could just figure out how to trace this out.
All suggestions welcome thanks all!

Dana Orzel
C: 208.721.7003
E- dana at solarwork.com

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