[RE-wrenches] PG&E Nem3

William Miller william at millersolar.com
Tue Jan 14 13:10:52 PST 2025


I will be creating a Case Study web-page on this subject.  I have found
this to be the most efficient way to present an issue to those that are
involved, including manufacturers, service providers, and industry
colleagues.  This prevents me from repeating my story over and over and
allows me to easily present documentation.

In the meantime, attached is one of the most telling documents that
pertains and below are some details.

The document outlines the NEM3 rate plan and lists hour-by-hour,
month-by-month the rates that PG&E will charge and credit their grid-tie
customers under NEM3.  Direct your attention to the “Delivered” columns.
This is the rates at which export is credited.  Note that there are many
hours that the utility will credit you zero dollars for the energy you
deliver to them.  Note also that in September I will be paying up to
$3.84/kWh to purchase utility-provided energy.

An example of the “net” result of NEM3 billing in my case is this:  During
the billing period that straddled the end of October and the beginning of
November (refer to the attached chart for rates during that period) I
exported 666+ kWh to the utility.  For my efforts I was rewarded with a
whopping credit of $6.41.  This is from a non-battery system rated at about
11 kW, STC.

In PG&E territory NEM3 will be in effect for all applications received
after 4/15/23.  For all existing customers, their rates will be pushed to
NEM3 after 20 years from date of system commission.  The latter case
applies to me. These are the early adopters that paid a premium and helped
jump-start the industry.

I live in an unincorporated area of San Luis Obispo County.  Fortunately
for me we recently elected a liberal majority on our governing body, a
Board of Supervisors.  That majority allowed the introduction of an
alternative energy provider (3CE Energy) in the unincorporated area after
it was rejected for years by the previous conservative majority.  With 3CE
I have been assured I will return to the retail-for-retail credit on
exported energy.  My billing went on to the NEM3 rate in September 2024 and
transitions to 3CE in late January 2025.  This means I will be in NEM3
purgatory for only about 4 months.  Others in PG&E territory will not be so

More later.

William Miller

Miller Solar

17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422



CA Lic. 773985
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