[RE-wrenches] Cry for help about 50 miles N of LA

chris at OasisMontana.com chris at OasisMontana.com
Tue May 14 12:14:03 PDT 2024

Dear people:
I got a call from a fellow that needs someone with experience with Trace
products.  He's got an SW4048, installed in 2000 (and he's close to Thousand
Oaks, in Ventura County), that has been working until lately.  But he's
looking for a good troubleshooter and all he can find is folks who want to
sell him a new inverter.  Apparently no one in his area does anything but
grid-tie; this fellow is on grid but has been using this system as a back-up
for critical loads.  He may just need some replacement circuit boards, and
he is very happy to pay for someone to figure out exactly what his problems
are - but he's not ready to throw in the towel on his inverter.
Any takers?  Please feel free to contact me off list.
Chris Daum
Oasis Montana Inc.
406-777-4309 or 4321
406-777-4309 fax
www.oasismontana.com <http://www.oasismontana.com/>  
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