[RE-wrenches] Good tech support

William Miller william at millersolar.com
Wed Mar 27 19:12:45 PDT 2024


Some of you may remember the problems I am having integrating a set of
Fortress batteries with an off-grid Sunny Island/Sunny Boy ac-coupled
system.  If not, here
is the case study.

The problem has been in abeyance for the last few months because due to
short days and cloudy weather.  There has not been enough sunshine to cause
a recurrence.  Now that spring has sprung the problem is back.

I did come up with a work-around:  I installed a contactor to disconnect
the Sunny Boys whenever the SOC gets to 90%.  This works but it does waste
some solar capability.

I have been working with Fortress on the issue.  They have been in touch
and have been very generous in offering support and spending time trying to
find a solution.  Most important they have admitted the problem exists.

To me this is very refreshing.  This makes me want to use more Fortress
products and sing their praises.  I think my fellow wrenches would want to
know about this great support when contemplating which battery products to
use, which is the reason for this post.

Below is an excerpt from an email received today from Fortress.

Hi William,

Apologies for the lapse in communication on this subject, we are still
actively working on this case to provide you with a solution.

We have confirmed here in our Lab that the older firmware does not resolve
the issue as you have stated and the engineering and product teams are in
discussions to provide a solution to this battery/inverter compatibility
issue. We will provide updates on a solution as we receive them. I
unfortunately do not have a timeline to provide, but we will have one soon.

Thank you for your patience.

Warm regards,

Galen Gennaria

I will update the case study when new developments occur.


Miller Solar

17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422



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