[RE-wrenches] Racks.
penobscotsolar at midmaine.com
penobscotsolar at midmaine.com
Wed Jan 11 04:51:13 PST 2017
He changed the name to RC Fab about a year ago, but when I last talked
with him they were changing the name again. Check RC Fab in Albuquerque,
> I can't find the link to Jeff randles new rack company?
> Can someone help me out
> Thx
> Jay
> Peltz power.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 10, 2017, at 8:31 PM, Ray Walters <ray at solarray.com> wrote:
>> Hi William;
>> Your link had a glitch, I think this should be it?
>> http://www.millersolar.com/MillerSolar/case_studies/Wind_damage/_wind_damage.html
>> We have DP&W's high wind option which bumped the pole size from 4" to 6"
>> along with heavier hardware throughout. I haven't been to the site yet,
>> but the techs were reporting just the module failed and the rack is
>> still good. I'm going up next week and I'll try to figure this out.
>> This site also has a funnel effect as you mentioned. Higher ridges to
>> the North and South, and this smaller peak between with our rack almost
>> right at the top.
>> Roof mounts actually do seem to be much better; the wind doesn't get
>> behind it, and if the array is set back from the edge, the side edge of
>> the array isn't getting pummeled.
>> Our failure occurred with an angled wind, not perpendicular. Your rack
>> failures look also to have had uneven loading: the way it twisted that
>> top rail off. I almost wonder if these racks aren't hitting some
>> resonance that's causing the rack to twist and torque back and forth
>> repeatedly. You can grab the corner of the array and "pluck" it, then
>> watch it bounce back and forth: that's the simple way to determine its
>> harmonic resonance.
>> R.Ray Walters
>> CTO, Solarray, Inc
>> Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
>> Licensed Master Electrician
>> Solar Design Engineer
>> 303 505-8760
>>> On 1/10/2017 6:26 PM, William Miller wrote:
>>> Ray:
>>> I can't say I have a solution to your problem, but I can share some
>>> photos
>>> of two similar failures in case you can glean any information from
>>> them.
>>> See:
>>> http://www.millersolar.com/MillerSolar/case_studies/Wind_damage/_wind_dama
>>> ge.html
>>> The first failure is a Zomeworks. On the same exact spot we tried a
>>> DPW
>>> TOP. Neither could withstand a funnel effect provided by the
>>> topography.
>>> At the same location we installed a roof mount as well that has never
>>> failed (to my knowledge, we don't service that customer anymore).
>>> I think if you have terrain that is tilted in the correct direction a
>>> mount that hugs the ground is best. That is a lay opinion, however.
>>> William
>>> Lic 773985
>>> millersolar.com
>>> 805-438-5600
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Ray Walters
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:31 PM
>>> To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org>
>>> Subject: [RE-wrenches] Solar World Wind Damage
>>> Greetings All;
>>> I just had the dreaded call from one of my higher profile commercial
>>> clients: a remote radio repeater station had modules ripped off the
>>> frame
>>> by high winds.
>>> Two SW285s were damaged. The wind was strong enough to rip right
>>> through
>>> the aluminum side rails. We had used the proper stainless 1/4"
>>> bolt hardware with washers on the inside, etc. All the hardware was
>>> still
>>> tight, it just tore the aluminum past the washers. This is not a top
>>> down
>>> clamp system, but uses bolts through the mounting holes on the back of
>>> the
>>> module. This was all on a DP&W rack with high wind option.
>>> In 20 years in business, I've never seen that happen. Is there a
>>> contact
>>> at Solar World? I'm not getting through on the tech support line I
>>> have.
>>> First, I need to know what the wind rating is on the modules blowing
>>> from
>>> the back side, and Second, a suggested fix for the remaining modules.
>>> One module was completely ripped from the frame and thrown 30 yds
>>> (total
>>> destruction), a 2nd one has cracks in the Aluminum, but has not let go
>>> yet. I was thinking of adding some angle aluminum on the inside to
>>> beef
>>> it up. IMHO, the frames are pretty thin aluminum compared to older
>>> modules. I'll share some pics when available.
>>> As always thanks in advance for your comments,
>>> --
>>> R.Ray Walters
>>> CTO, Solarray, Inc
>>> Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
>>> Licensed Master Electrician
>>> Solar Design Engineer
>>> 303 505-8760
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