[RE-wrenches] 600 volt CAT5

william at millersolar.com william at millersolar.com
Thu May 8 23:23:46 PDT 2014



I am working on an off-grid system that includes a Sunny Island Mini-grid
and some Tristar 600 volt charge controllers.  Everything is interconnected
in 8” by 8” gutters around three sides of an equipment room.  Wiring
includes 48 volt DC, 120/208 VAC, 400 plus volt PV feeders and CAT 5.  All
of this wiring can coexist as THWN and MTW rated at 600 Volts, except the


We created a partition system by running ½” EMT and NMLT inside the gutter
to carry the CAT5, and the system works by maintaining separation and
preserving the aesthetic of the equipment room.  It is a bit of a pain in
the butt, however, to run the EMT/NMLT in the gutter.


I got to thinking there has to be a better way.  I contacted PV Cables, Inc,
and they found a CAT5e that has a jacket rating of 600 VDC.  This is the
answer to my dilemma on this and on some non-PV industrial jobs.  The only
down side is the wire is available in 1000 foot rolls at about $800.00 per
roll.  I also worry about if the wire will accept standard RJ45 connectors.
I have ordered a sample.


I thought you all should know about this, which is why I am writing.  That,
and I’d like to know if anyone wants to split the cost of a roll.  I need
about 200 feet.  Please contact me off-line.


William Miller



Gradient Cap_mini
Lic 773985
millersolar.com <http://www.millersolar.com/> 


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