[RE-wrenches] BIPV Options

Dave Click daveclick at fsec.ucf.edu
Tue Oct 2 12:29:17 PDT 2012

Sorry, to clarify I meant the Lumeta tiles for sloped roofs. I think 
they were at SPI two years ago but I didn't notice them this year if 
they were at the show.

On 2012/10/2 15:27, holtek at sbcglobal.net wrote:
> Having installed Powerlight systems, I would shy away from flat
> arrays....dirty, dirty dirty....
> Holt E. Kelly
> Holtek Fireplace & Solar Products
> 500 Jewell Dr.
> Waco TX. 76712
> 254-751-9111
> www.holteksolar.com
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Click" <daveclick at fsec.ucf.edu>
> To: <re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:22 PM
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] BIPV Options
>> Good input on the Atlantis options-- does anyone have experience with
>> the www.bipvinc.com or www.lumetasolar.com products?
>> On 2012/10/2 13:06, Robert Evans wrote:
>>> I installed the BOS for an Atlantis Sunslates system back in 2003-04,
>>> and commissioned the system. Based on my experience I couldn't
>>> recommend them, unless they have fixed the product.
>>> The customer had already contracted with Atlantis and an approved
>>> roofer to install the Sunslates on his residence. I was around during
>>> the install of the slates and while indeed time consuming it actually
>>> went pretty smoothly and looked good. I was worried though when I saw
>>> all the series connectors and realized that the system didn't offer
>>> any airflow under the slates.
>>> The system performed subpar right out of the gates (as compared to
>>> framed mods on racks) - especially during the summer on hot days -
>>> remember there was no airflow. However after just 2 years the system
>>> production really nosedived (50% of similar framed mod system) due to
>>> poorly designed connectors (not MC type but funky cam-closures that I
>>> had never seen before) that built up high resistance connections and
>>> slates that failed due to poor internal connections.
>>> Troubleshooting was very difficult due to poor access to the
>>> connections. Atlantis did send people out often over the years to try
>>> and correct the situation, and they added more slates to the roof to
>>> compensate for the poor production. But the system continually had
>>> problems, and the customer never really got any satisfaction. It's
>>> actually way to long a story to tell here.
>>> I think BIPV always has these challenges inherent:
>>> Expensive product.
>>> Expensive labor intensive install.
>>> Lots of connections.
>>> Difficult access to connections.
>>> Poor airflow and hot operating cell temps.
>>> Well designed products can help mitigate these. Poor designed products
>>> make these issues worse. There is a reason why BIPV has not
>>> proliferated on residential buildings.
>>> Maybe Atlantis has fixed these issues? I was never interested in
>>> promoting the product so I've never looked into it. But anyone looking
>>> to put this product up should really do some homework.
>>> And one more thing - anytime a customer gets a system installed from 2
>>> parties - one for the array and one for the BOS, it becomes difficult
>>> for all involved should the system not perform well. I learned a
>>> lesson and never got involved in a split up job like this in the
>>> future.
>>> Bob Evans
>>> NABCEP Certified PV Installer
>>> Evans Energy Systems
>>> Santa Cruz, CA
>>> 831-345-3459
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