[RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof

benn kilburn benn at daystarsolar.ca
Fri Jun 29 08:01:32 PDT 2012

If you have to go down this road of not using flashed penetrations, be very

Dan makes a couple of great pointsŠ make sure the sealant you use is
compatible (and a superior product) for the roof type you are working on,
don't over tighten as that will just damage the shingle further and don't
walk/stand directly on the rails/l-feet.

Locate your rafter, drill pilot hole, squeeze some sealant 'into' the hole
(easiest if you don't cut the hole in the sealant tube to big) and 'just the
right amount' around the hole as well so that when you install the l-foot it
evenly squishes the sealant out around all edges.

The pilot hole should be at least as long as your lag bolt but if your pilot
hole goes all the way thru the rafter then any sealant applied into the
pilot hole will be forced out the other end and not be effective, so make
sure your pilot bit and lag bolt are not greater than the
rafter+sheathing+shingle+l-foot distance.

Always keep your feet "on the roof".  You can use the l-feet/rails as a
support for resting the side of you boot against, but avoid/don't cause any
undue force on the lag bolts, this will weaken them,  possibly bend them and
possibly open them up for water penetration.

DayStar Renewable Energy Inc.
Certified Construction Electrician Solar Photovoltaic Systems Certified
Certificate # 0007S

On 29/06/12 4:03 AM, "dan at foxfire-energy.com" <dan at foxfire-energy.com>

Early on I learned to fill the pre drilled hole with a non asphalt eating
caulk like geo cell (Or something similar), and then used two layers of a
polybutyl tape and stainless hardware. The trick is not to lag down the
L-feet so tight that it smooshes out all the poly. You also need to be real
careful if you need to work off the rails.. If you do (Depending on pitch),
It might be a good idea to double up on L feet or use a chicken ladder (Just
something to spread your weight). Good luck. db

Dan Brown
Foxfire Energy Corp.
Renewable Energy Systems
www.Foxfire-Energy.com <http://www.Foxfire-Energy.com>
NABCEP #092907-44

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] L feet no flashing in shingle roof
> From: Drake <drake.chamberlin at redwoodalliance.org>
> Date: Thu, June 28, 2012 6:39 pm
> To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org>
>  I'm quoting a job that has an existing array with L feet bolted down to a
> shingle roof with no flashings.  I want to match the height of the existing
> array.  Also some modules are being worked in around skylights where it is
> unlikely that room would be available for flashings to center over rafters.
>  I've always used flashings.  Would it be completely crazy to follow suit of
> the existing array and bolt L feet straight to the shingle roof with good roof
> sealant?  If so, how would you seal it?
>  Thanks,
>  Drake 
>  Drake Chamberlin
>  OH License 44810
>  CO license 3773
>  NABCEP Certified PV
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