[RE-wrenches] Look out for the one day solar expert

Jeff Yago jryago at dtisolar.com
Sun Mar 11 18:27:05 PDT 2012

I am not going to name names or firms on this one to protect the guilty, but
recently I was called in to commission two different newly constructed bank
buildings for a major bank that I am sure you all would know, that recently
installed two large solar pv systems.  After commissioning the interior
equipment, lighting, HVAC systems, ect, I then started to commission the
solar systems, but could not find any shop drawings, sizing information, or
wiring diagrams for the solar systems  which I had received for the other
non-solar systems.  When I went back to the architect and engineering team
that had designed the buildings , I was told neither designed or specified
the solar systems that had been installed just after the building's roofs
had been completed.  I then went to the bank's property manager and made
repeated attempts to get this solar information from him since he was the
person who managed all new construction and authorized the payments.  

Somewhat frustrated in getting no response I finally sent him a very long
list of the wiring problems and code violations I had found without the
solar design drawings including several very serious fire hazards in the
array wiring..  This included exposed multiple USE-2 wires (not smoke rated)
running through the attic and nailed to the wood trusses (no metal conduit
and no support) , mis-matched inverter to solar array sizing, all
under-module roof wiring laying on metal roof surface, multiple array
strings stuffed through a hole in attic fan roof curb, emergency dis-connect
and emergency labels mounted 18" above ground level and impossible to read
standing up, and many more.

Expecting a big thank you for telling him his solar contractor was ripping
him off, instead I received a real long nasty gram telling me to be a "team
player".  He also said he did not like my attitude which should be more
get-along and not "trying to find fault".  Finding out what was wrong was
why I was hired !!!  

I could not understand why he was not calling the fire Marshall or building
inspector on this solar installer and demanding they fix this before their
banks burn down.  Several weeks later I was talking to a design professional
who had worked with this same property manager on a prior project and he
told me that this  property manager had attended one of those one-day solar
classes and had then designed the two solar systems himself, he had also
ordered all the solar materials over the internet, and wanted to save the
bank money by not hiring a solar contractor.  I was also told this property
manager was actually up on the high lift helping his local electrician
friend (who had never installed any solar hardware) to install the roof
array on the banks.

I am sure if I remained a "team player" for this guy and not demanded that
this get fixed or I walk, that this would have started a fire in the attic
sooner or later, and after I provided the commissioning while wearing my
team member hat.  If that had happened, you can bet who would have been

Word to the wise, beware of the one-day solar wonder, especially if they
work in a bank!

Jeff Yago

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