[RE-wrenches] Honda EU3000i pranks

Dan Fink danbob88 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 18:11:16 PDT 2012

Already been caught on this one. The inverter/charger is a Magnum MME
with a Honda 3000i.
Adding a load to the Honda drops the Hz reading in half, but still
some high harmonic of the real reading, and the Magnum still rejects

Glad I didn't spend the $900 on the new honda module now! Didn't take
the genny to the dealer because the only way to get it there is by

Expensive lesson here too; our solution was for the client to purchase
another honda eu2000i for that site with the Magnum MME and bring the
3000i to a different camp that has no inverter/charger by helicopter
long line sling load. And hey, same price for the new 2000i as for the
new 3000i module that probably wouldn't have worked!!!

Dan Fink,
Executive Director;
Buckville Energy Consulting
Buckville Publications LLC
NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers
970.672.4342 (voicemail)

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Jeff Oldham <starpower4u at juno.com> wrote:
> I recently had a costly lesson with one of these usually sweet gensets -
> With a good and fast meter like my Fluke 189 you can get wacky Hz readings.
> I had one that the inverter would not accept. checked V and Hz and saw the
> Hz at over 1000. Talked to Honda service center and they confirmed that the
> genny's inverter module contained ALL control parts and if there is a V, Hz,
> low power or constant overload it will be this single module. So, $900 later
> and a quick and easy swap, the problem did not go away and the Hz was still
> crazy. Talked to service center again, they confirmed that it was the module
> but could not believe that the new one was defective and asked if I could
> bring it to them. I did and their meters read 60Hz, all 3 of the meters they
> had in the shop, put mine on it and over 1000Hz again. Plugged my leads into
> the shop utility power and it was 60Hz and so it was on a Honda 1000 and
> 2000, they had another EU3000i in the shop and again I got over 1000. OK, a
> call into Honda now this time we got a rep that saw this before and said it
> is normal for this with a very fast meter and ONLY on the EU3000i no other
> genny they make! Took it back, put the old inverter module back in and still
> no connection to inverter. Now (perhaps before?) I check his inverter
> settings, the AC input current was set too high!! UUuurrggg, never had my
> trusty Fluke live up to its brand name before. So, stuck with an inverter
> module for a EU3000i with 5 mins. on it, anyone need one contact me off
> list.
> Don't get caught in this one!
> From the Solar, Wind and Hydro powered office of Jeff Oldham/Regenerative
> SOLutions

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