[RE-wrenches] Small Generator

Dan Fink danbob88 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 13:26:06 PDT 2012

Or the Honda eu1000 if you want something smaller than the 2000. The
eu-i hondas start giving me inverter/charger waveform/freq  troubles
at 3000i and up, but never an issue with the 1k or 2k. Quiet, too. My
2000i lives indoors, and goes on every job or service call. She's a
sweetheart. Keep her warm, and you might as well have electric start
as it's 1st pull every time.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Maverick Brown [Maverick Solar]
<maverick at mavericksolar.com> wrote:
> I would add a Honda eu2000is unless you want an auto start unit.
> If so, an Onan RV microlite (we reclaimed one from an old RV and mounted it to our job trailer tongue)
> Thank you,
> Maverick

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