[RE-wrenches] Propane Generator

David Palumbo dave at independentpowerllc.com
Thu Jun 11 11:01:24 PDT 2009

We too have had good success with the 3600 RPM Kohler's. Although we don't
care for the battery charging design for the starting battery.


-----Original Message-----
From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Travis
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:27 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Propane Generator

If I may humbly offer different opinion, I no longer specify 1800 RPM
generators because they are ridiculously expensive to begin with and when
the do break it's long after warranty and they are ridiculously expensive to

I've have been pleased with the 3600 RPM Kohler's.  We've done numerous
propane 12kW (which very nicely match up to a dual oven quad stack) and
recently did a 17kW and other then a stuck fuel solenoid which was replaced
under warranty by the local dealer at no charge they've been fine.  It was
completely off grid and we didn't catch any flax although we certainly did a
few years ago so around here they seem to have slacked on the off grid no
warranty thing.

It boils down to simple math for me.  We've inherited numerous 1800 RPM
generators over the year.  These customers have gotten $2000+ bills to
replace to $5 relays (etc), some times within a few weeks of the last one.
These 3600 RPM Kohlers cost less then $4k new including a pad, enclosure and
shipping compared to a lot more for the 1800 RPM units.  Put that $8k you
save into PV and you'll very likely get 10+ trouble free years out of the
3600 RPM Kohlers.  I've got several getting up to 5 yrs old now and they are
still as strong as they were the day there were installed.  They only get a
few hundred hr's or year and a 1/3rd of those could be eliminated if the
customers were better energy managers.

Just my .02 and it may or may not work in anybody else's climate.

Travis Creswell
Ozark Energy Services

-----Original Message-----
From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Dana
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:42 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Propane Generator

We use both ONAN & KOHLER. Last time I checked ONAN's smallest was 20KW/240
VAC. KOHLER had more smaller units. The lack of choice is due to EPA
compliance and then I think the economy, but not sure on the latter.
If it does not get too cold or could be installed indoors [as in a shed]
diesel gets more watts / gallon but LPG is cleaner to deal with.

Dana Orzel

Great Solar Works, Inc
E - dana at solarwork.com
V - 970.626.5253
F - 970.626.4140
C - 970.209.4076
"I'd put my money on solar energy. I hope we don't have to wait 'til oil and
coal run out before we tackle that."
-Thomas Edison, in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, March

-----Original Message-----
From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of roger dixon
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 5:31 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Propane Generator

I use a military surplus 15 kW gasoline genset, converted to propane, and
wired to an ATS for emergency backup power.  I am grid connected, no
batteries.  It works fine and runs my entire house when I need it.  If you
want more details, please give me a call.

Roger Dixon
Certified Wind Site Assessor
Skylands Renewable Energy, LLC
908.337.2057 cell
908.730.6474 fax
roger.dixon at skylandsre.com


-----Original Message-----
From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:56 PM
To: re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Propane Generator

A client with a remote off-grid system and two OutBack FXs is looking 
for the right generator to buy.

He prefers propane because they already have it on site.

Any recommendations?


Ian Woofenden <ian.woofenden at homepower.com>, Senior Editor, Home Power
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