[RE-wrenches] Direct Grid Tie Upgrade - drawing attached

William Miller william at millersolar.com
Wed Sep 2 13:04:30 PDT 2009


To analyze these scenarios, you need to know the Maximum AC Output Current 
possible with a given inverter.  I do not have the time to look these up, I 
leave that to you.

Assuming the breaker sizes are close to the maximum AC output amps, you are 
above the capabilities for load side connection in both the garage 
sub-panel and the meter/main.  The garage sub-panel can have a maximum of 
20 amps back feed and the meter/main can allow 40 amps back feed.

There are many ways to accomplish point of connection, but one approach 
would be to provide a supply-side tap at the meter and/or main and upgrade 
the garage sub and garage feeder to a size that would allow the 20% rule to 
accommodate all RE feeds.

In other words, the meter/main would be considered under the supply-side 
section of the code and the garage under load-side section.  All links of 
this chain must comply with one or the other.

If you need more clarification., contact me off-line.

William Miller

At 12:11 PM 9/2/2009, you wrote:
>Hello Wrenches,
>I have a prospect who has an existing PV system and a small wind
>turbine already in place.  He is interested in adding additional
>capacity via another small grid tie system.  The attached drawing
>outlines the existing and proposed installation.  My question has to
>do with the grid tie in.  Given the existing connections for the 2
>existing DGT inverters can I connect as proposed in the drawing or
>would I need to perform a line side tap on the primary feed.
>Alternative suggestions appreciated.
>Carl Adams
>SunRock Solar, LLC
>Content-Type: application/pdf; name="DGT Upgrade Single Line Drawing.pdf"
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>         filename="DGT Upgrade Single Line Drawing.pdf"
>X-Attachment-Id: f_fz4g28120

Please note new e-mail address and domain:

William Miller
Miller Solar
Voice :805-438-5600     Fax: 805-438-4607
email: william at millersolar.com
License No. C-10-773985
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