Outback island [RE-wrenches]

Christopher Freitas --- OutBack Power cfreitas at outbackpower.com
Mon Dec 3 10:18:56 PST 2007

Hey Darryl - 

The best solution for questions like this is to detail everything you 
know in an email and send it to myself or tech support and then we can 
give you a detailed response.  

Roy Dyngen is another resource here at OutBack on these larger / more 
advanced applications.  

There only real problem with doing a "tri-stack" configuration for 
120/240 VAC - is that the X-240 will attempt to keep the loads 50/50 % 
between the two legs.  What you will probably see (due to the limit of 
the X-240) is that it ends up being 60/40 % balance.  

So - if the grid-tie inverter is 240VAC and 10kWAC then I would advise 
going with a quad stack instead.  If the grid-tie inverters are less say 
8 kW total - then a tri-stack should be fine.  

This also is a good situation for using the PSX-240 version rated at 
6kWAC with its separate enclosure and built in fan.  


Darryl Thayer wrote:
> I have a customer with interest in an Outback Island system (AC coupled 
> back up).  I imagine I will have to get the right outback person on the 
> phone, (first attempt tech did not understand questions)

> Has anyone done a 10 kW or three GVFX 3648 stacked into a Outback Island 
> (AC coupled) configuration?  If not I will try at my school to see what 
> happens.  

> What I am thinking is 2 inverters on one leg and the third on the other 
> with the X240 coupling to balance the loads/feeds. 

Christopher Freitas
OutBack Power Systems, Inc.
cfreitas at outbackpower.com  
Arlington WA USA
Tel 360 435 6030  

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