evacuated tubes vs. flat plates [RE-wrenches]

Tom Lane tom at ecs-solar.com
Wed Nov 21 05:24:59 PST 2007


ET's are an extremely poor choice for hot tubs or spas's because of the low 
temperature application of only 105 degrees F.  Your best choice is unglazed 
plastic collectors if the air is 90 degrees F or higher and flat plates at 
lower temperatures which must be used with a stainless steel, titanium, or 
marine grade copper nickel heat exchanger.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Cronin" <kcronin at islandenergy.net>
To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: evacuated tubes vs. flat plates [RE-wrenches]

> Gator
> How do ET's work for an application like a hot tub? Is the performance
> enhanced or is it still better for FP and perhaps a heat exchanger? Would
> this also hold true for a pool system that is trying to increase the delta
> T- go with ET's as opposed to the plastic, fabco type of panels for the
> ability to increase the surface area for small roofs and get the 
> production
> out of the system, vs- another application? It is my understanding when
> copper tubing is used for spa or pool apps, that the pool or spa can go
> "green" with chlorine....
> Thanks
> Keith

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