UL Listings [RE-wrenches]

Mark Frye markf at berkeleysolar.com
Thu May 31 13:56:43 PDT 2007

I am trying to understand the use of listed equipment and materials and how
that works with the NEC.

I know the NEC gives the AHJ the authority to approve equipment, materials,
installations, and procedures.

But I also understand that if a particular piece of equipment has a certain
type of listing, the AHJ cannot, "look inside" that piece of equipment.  For
example, if a piece of air-conditioning equipment is listed, the AHJ can
only inspect the wiring installed to the air-conditioner, not the wiring
inside the air-conditioner itself.

Utility-Interactive inverters have a UL 1741 listing. The AHJ can only
inspect to the connection to the inverter.  But does the AHJ have the
authority to approve or disapprove individual pieces of listed equipment. In
other words, can an AHJ approve a Fronius 1741 inverter while at the same
time disapproving an SMA 1741 inverter (assuming that each is installed in
an otherwise conforming manner according the manufactures instructions)?


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