Tri-Metric program question [RE-wrenches]
Ray Walters
walters at
Fri Oct 20 11:13:39 PDT 2006
Hi Allan;
It seems we really need a whole different meter. I think your solutions
would work, but the essential issue is that 99.5% of the time, the
Trimetric isn't giving you any useful info. A meter that could track
sell back, AC load usage both real time and cumulative KWH, and do what
the Trimetric does in battery use (when the grid is down) is what we need.
My customers don't usually even know when the grid is out, and they
should know, so that they could alter their usage. My dream meter would
need a warning light or bell to indicate (Grid down, you're on the
batteries, turn the TV off please....)
For now, I let the customers know the pros and cons of the Trimetric,
vs. the Mate, vs nothing. Most are now chosing the nothing route. The
Outback Inverter at least has lights to show grid or inverter status,
and a crude battery voltage LED.
There's a market here, for any manufacturers/ inventors lurking....
Ray Walters
Allan Sindelar wrote:
>I posted this question a week or two ago, and was surprised that a) others
>had faced the same issue, b) nobody had worked out a simple, effective,
>proven solution. While I respect Mick's suggestion of a relay-based B+
>control on the monitor as probably working just as he envisioned, the extra
>cost and complexity make it not the first approach to try.
>So the answer appears to be somewhere in a combination of these four
>1) Set the float voltage slightly high, in order to increase charge current
>relative to discharge current during float/sell conditions. This will lessen
>accumulated losses that cause the meter to slowly lose %-of-full indication
>(thanks for this idea, Todd).
>2) Set the charge efficiency factor at or close to 100%, so that routine
>charge-discharge cycling has less of a tendency to accumulate as an
>inaccurately low %-of-full, or takes longer to do so.
>3) With an Outback system that has a Mate, the AC IN hot button will easily
>access a "force bulk or float" command, which initiates an automatic bulk
>charge cycle. I can instruct the homeowner to do this occasionally - say,
>every couple of weeks, or when the monitor is reading too far out of whack.
>This is an especially good step for a system with flooded batteries, as they
>otherwise only vary between float/sell and resting voltages, and a periodic
>bulk charge cycle would be good for them. It's probably only useful with
>flooded batteries and involved homeowners (who are already caring for
>flooded batteries).
>4) It might work with sealed batteries to set the Tri-Metric charged voltage
>parameter below the float/sell voltage, and the charged current parameter
>just above the current necessary to maintain float. That way, the Tri-Met is
>held at 100% and is constantly being reset as long as the grid is up.
>Following or during an outage, the low charged current parameter keeps the
>meter from resetting until charging current drops way down, even though the
>voltage setting is artificially low. I wonder how these settings would
>affect monitor accuracy during an outage - I suspect not much.
>Feedback? Preferences among these options? What combinations would you try?
>Thank you,
>Allan at Positive Energy
>Excerpts from previous posts about this issue:
>We have been including a Tri-Metric monitor with our Outback
>grid-tie-with-battery-backup systems, so that the homeowner has some sort of
>state-of-charge indication during an outage. We have learned to be selective
>about whether to include a Mate as well, as it's not as user-friendly for
>our typical non-technical grid-tie customer.
>The issue is that the Tri-Met is fundamentally designed for off-grid use,
>and uses charged-voltage and charged-current parameters to reset the monitor
>on a regular basis. As the PS1 keeps the batteries in float, the Tri-Met can
>develop an accumulated error that is only reset after a grid outage and
>recharge cycle, which could be months at a time. We have seen this happen,
>where the % of full slowly drifts down over days or weeks.
>I called Ralph Heise about this, and he had suggestions, but no clear
>answers - in fact he is looking for ideas that have worked too. He suggested
>the following two ideas, which make sense in theory:
>1. Set the charged voltage parameter below the float voltage (far enough
>below to accommodate the effect of hot-weather temperature compensation -
>say 52.4V if float is at 53.6 - and set the charged current setpoint just
>above the float current - 1 or 2A, I would guess. This keeps the monitor
>reading 100% while in float, and the combination of voltage and current
>settings would prevent premature resetting based on voltage-above-float
>2. Set the charge efficiency factor unrealistically high - say at 100% - so
>that this keeps the % reading at 100% while in float. This would make the %
>reading slightly high during outage cycling, but it could be easily reset
>each charge cycle.
>Has any Wrench out there come up with a good solution? How would you set up
>a TriMet for this application? Or otherwise, how do you address the bigger
>issue of a monitor that is used only during an outage?
>If you are having problems with the amp hour meter on a grid, tied,
>battery based system, try raising the float voltage slightly on the
>inverter/charge controller. Yes, it will slightly lower the efficiency
>and cause the batteries to consume a bit more water, but the slightly
>additional charge current will offset the discharge pulses and keep the
>meter on track... also from what I have read, slightly overcharging wet
>cell lead acid batteries does more good than harm. I have also found
>that a few charge/discharge cycles will get the meter to recalculate
>battery efficiency higher (the e-meter starts out a default of 90%) so
>the +/- pulses are treated closer to being equal.
>When a battery based grid tie system has the grid operating, the meter
>is not necessary. When the grid goes down is when the customer needs the
>meter and it is then that it is important for the meter to read
>accurately, starting with a 100% charged reading.
>Grid tie inverters with batteries constantly send small charge and
>discharge currents into the batteries. Because batteries are not 100%
>efficient, amp hour meters treat charge currents and discharge currents
>differently. It takes more charge current to compensate for a given
>amount of discharge current. This is why amp hour meters on battery
>based systems tend to accrue a discharged SOC inaccuracy.
>The only way I have found to resolve this issue, so when the grid goes
>down the meter starts at 100% is by setting the float/sell voltage
>slightly higher so the batteries constantly get way more charge then
>discharge currents. Another thing which helps is to cycle the batteries
>a few times so the amp hour (link-10) meter recalculates the battery
>efficiency higher from the default of 90%.
- - - -
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