evacuated tubes vs.flat plates [RE-wrenches]

Dana Orzel dana at solarwork.com
Mon May 22 15:08:20 PDT 2006

I have installed evacuated tube collectors at 6,000 to 10,000 ft el.
At present I am replacing [with changing factory warranty documentation
requirements] or trying to replace 160 tubes. I have seen amazing heat
production [190F] at really low -5F temps with hazy skies and too many over
temp situations leading to steam, air locks, system shut downs and banging
pipes, and scared clients which are bad for the tubes, my call back rate and
I think that evacuated tubes are for great for sea level, lots of clouds or
atmospheric filtration, needing to collect a lot of heat in a small
footprint, and systems with higher temperature requirements.
I have basicly seen over performance in the evacuated collectors and not a
long life. That said, The "New" series seem to address these short comings
and as all wrenches know so well, being the industries guinea pigs, Only
Time Will Tell.
I now use flat plate collectors for momeny though am installing a set of 30
tubes on my home to see how the "new" ones work. Oink - Oink! I just can't

Dana Orzel
Great Solar Works, Inc.
"Responsible Systems For Responsible People"
dana at solarwork.com
970.626.5253 - H/O
970.209.4076 - C
970.626.4140 - F

-----Original Message-----
From: Conrad Geyser [mailto:conradg at cape.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 1:23 PM
To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
Subject: evacuated tubes vs.flat plates [RE-wrenches]

I'd echo this conclusion that the evacuated tubes are only prescribed where 
a minimal gain is needed in a predominantly cloudy area.
Conrad Geyser

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