Tri-Metric program question [RE-wrenches]
Todd Cory, Mt. Shasta Energy Services
toddcory at
Wed Oct 11 06:25:49 PDT 2006
When a battery based grid tie system has the grid operating, the meter
is not necessary. When the grid goes down is when the customer needs the
meter and it is then that it is important for the meter to read
accurately, starting with a 100% charged reading.
Grid tie inverters with batteries constantly send small charge and
discharge currents into the batteries. Because batteries are not 100%
efficient, amp hour meters treat charge currents and discharge currents
differently. It takes more charge current to compensate for a given
amount of discharge current. This is why amp hour meters on battery
based systems tend to accrue a discharged SOC inaccuracy.
The only way I have found to resolve this issue, so when the grid goes
down the meter starts at 100% is by setting the float/sell voltage
slightly higher so the batteries constantly get way more charge then
discharge currents. Another thing which helps is to cycle the batteries
a few times so the amp hour (link-10) meter recalculates the battery
efficiency higher from the default of 90%.
I still hope for the holy grail for any battery based system (on or off
grid) namely a charge controller with built in amp hour meter, or at
least one that will "talk" to a meter so both devices stay in sync with
each other. Wireless would be great too!
P.S. Ray, why do you call the MATE "accursed"?
Ray Walters wrote:
> Hi Allan;
> We've had the same problems. The Trimetric doesn't even read anything
> most of the time due to the shunt location. Solar just passes straight
> thru to the inverter in grid tie operation. A Pentametric can be set
> up with additional shunts on the inverter and solar input, but you're
> back to the same trouble with the charged parameters. What we need is
> meter that has different charged parameters based on the status of the
> system: grid tie or off grid.
> Also, while we're dreaming, a meter that could handle both AC and DC
> inputs, and......drum roll please.... wireless.....! I talked to
> Ralph about this too, but like all of us currently, he's already
> tapped out keeping his current line up running flawlessly (Great Job
> Ralph) While I'm at it, I have to give a shameless plug for his easy
> to program Windows interface for the Pentametric too. If only the big
> boys at Outback had such a thing instead of the accursed MATE.
> Ray
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