Lightning protection [RE-wrenches]

Darryl Thayer daryl_solar at
Mon Jul 25 04:58:17 PDT 2005

My big experiance with lightning, where the equipment
got fried several times, and I had Delta's on the
syetem.  I solved these problems by making sure the
ground rod system was up to specs, i.e. the resistance
to ground was less than 0.1 ohm.  To measure this I
rented a ground rod resistance measuring equipment.  I
drove two sectioned rods several sections into the
ground.  The depth you need to go depends upon your

Your lightning risk depends upon the system
configuration and your grounding system.  If you have
good grounding system then the Delta can really help.

--- Joel Davidson <joeldavidson at> wrote:
> Travis, 
> snip, I put arrestors at
> the array and at the equipment input and still
> recommend to customers in
> lightning territory to do the same plus good earth
> grounding. Everyone who
> did had no lightning problems. Almost everyone who
> did not, got fried
> equipment.
> Joel Davidson
> From: Drake Chamberlin [mailto:solar at] 
> On an array in a lightning intensive area we have
> beefed up the grounding 
> system and added extra surge protection.
> Would it be a good idea to put a surge protector on
> the array itself.  

> My concern is that the frame of the array will
> connect to the circuit 
> conductors if the protector clamps.  As I understand
> the issue, the frame 
> is the first part of the array to become energized. 
> If the system clamps 
> due to high voltage on the frame, could it back feed
> static from the frame 
> into the system?

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