60hz to 50hz [RE-wrenches]
Travis Creswell, Ozark Solar
ozsolar at ipa.net
Thu Feb 12 11:11:10 PST 2004
Isn't European 220V phase to neutral/common? How is Dave to get 240 volts
phase to neutral out of his customers' electrical system?
Travis Creswell
Ozark Energy Services, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar [mailto:windy at dankoffsolar.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:28 AM
To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
Subject: Re: 60hz to 50hz [RE-wrenches]
The motor will run faster, proportionally, at 60 Hz. A grain mill
presents a constant torque as speed increases. So, the power load on
the motor will increase proportionally. With 240V, the power
potential is there to overload the motor quite effectively. HOWEVER
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