pond aerator [RE-wrenches]

Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar windy at dankoffsolar.com
Tue Oct 7 14:34:34 PDT 2003


Doesn't the water store dissolved oxygen for hours?

Can't that take the place of a battery bank?

Are you serving densely-stocked commercial-production fish ponds? In 
that case, I understand (they are overcrowded, and being pushed) ... 
but in a more natural pond setting?


At 9:12 PM -0700 10/6/03, Matt Tritt wrote:
>Well, as long as that's actually the case, I suppose I can say that my
>system will produce 5 CFM @ 20' submergance and uses a battery bank with
>cyclical timer and "special" pump controller, by golly. It'll also
>produce 6 CFM at 0', but what good is that?
>Matt T

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