NEC question [RE-wrenches]

Chris Worcester chris at
Wed Aug 20 17:58:04 PDT 2003

Hi Matt,

We just got our plan check back from the Town of Truckee Planning & Building
Departments, on a fixed top-of-pole array feeding  an Sunny Boy 1800 with
the following hit list, which is or isn't mellower than yours depending on
who's reading it.

1. Provide plans for the screening of  the solar panel and the equipment
required. The Development Code requires ground mounted collectors be
screened from public view to the maximum extent feasible along with any
equipment required.

2. The exterior surface of the solar collector and any related equipment
shall have a matte finish and be color coordinated to harmonize with the
roof materials and the dominate building colors.

3. The height of the tower shall not exceed 35'. Provide elevations of the
tower to verify the height.

4. The tower shall comply with all setback standards. The tower must be
located 20 feet from the rear property line and 10' from the side property

5. Provide (2) copies boundary survey documentation completed, wet stamped
and signed by the appropriately licensed professional.

6. PUD review and approval required prior to issue of the building permit.

7. Show proposed location of the DC disconnect and remaining equipment.

That's all folks.

On item 1 we submitted a site plan showing the location in the back yard,
not visible from the street in front, just Interstate 80, over his fence
across Donner Creek and through the trees. They want him to put up a balloon
to see if they can see it from I80! Go figure.

#2. Do we paint the glass, too?

#3. We submitted the elevation with the engineering for the foundation on
the pole mount, showing all heights.

#4. Prior to submittal the Town stated the setback in the rear to be 10

#5. This is a 50 year old subdivision with established fencing etc... A new
boundary Survey is very expensive and just not necessary.

#6. At least the folks at the PUD are willing and working with us.

#7. That's as close as they get to the NEC for now.

What next? Is this progress?


Chris Worcester
Solar Wind Works
USA Distributor of Proven Wind Turbines
Toll Free: 877-682-4503
Fax: 530-582-4603
chris at
"Proven Energy Solutions"

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