Outback MX60 bug [RE-wrenches]
Allan Sindelar
allan at positiveenergysolar.com
Tue Jun 24 22:30:51 PDT 2003
We encountered a software bug on our first MX60 installation (a 32V
PV/Jacobs wind system--we had been waiting for 32V MPPT capability for a
long time!) recently. This can affect other users of early serial number
production units. Ours was pre-#500; I believe that in current units this
has been corrected.
Here's the scoop, courtesy of Dan Rice of Pos E and Bob Gudgel of Outback,
offered without malice toward the mates. Christopher, amend this if needed:
When the charge controller is powered off and then back on, all of the
charge control set points, which are stored in non-volatile memory, should
be returned to their respective locations in the software so the controller
will operate as programmed. On the early MX-60, when powered back up, the
charge controller substitutes the programmed value for the auxiliary relay
low battery disconnect voltage set point in place of the programmed float
voltage set point. THIS IS A BUG!
After power-up, if you select the display screen that indicates the
absorption, float, and EQ set points, the software then puts the
pre-programmed float voltage set point back into the correct software
location, and the controller operates with the correct set points. (Trouble
is, if you don't go to that screen, the float voltage stays at the low
battery disconnect voltage set point. When you do go to that display screen,
the correct voltage is displayed, so you never see that it was incorrect in
the first place!! Diabolical!).
If the auxiliary relay function is unused, or is not used in low battery
disconnect mode, set the low battery disconnect voltage to the same setting
as the float voltage set point. That way, if the controller is powered down
and back up, but nobody selects the charge control set point display screen
is NOT selected, the float voltage will be correct, because the low battery
disconnect voltage is the same as float voltage.
If the auxiliary relay low battery disconnect function IS used, the owner of
the charge controller must be aware that, if the controller is powered off
and back on again, the first order of business is to press the left button
once to display the charge controller set point screen. By doing so, the
software installs the correct float voltage set point.
If all else fails and all of this is too complicated, the unit can be sent
back to Outback, and they'll upgrade the software, improve the current
measurement shunt, and wash the outside, vacuum the upholstery and empty the
ash tray.
- - - -
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