a smorgasbord of wind gennys [RE-wrenches]

Hugh Piggott hugh.piggott at enterprise.net
Thu Jul 11 13:39:45 PDT 2002

Hi Charlie,
>I don't think you are supposed to say this on-list seeing as you have a
>vested interest (the AWP)?!

I have no shares in AWP.  I'd love to see them thrive but I make no 
money from sales of the awp36.

>Anyway, I think AIRs are OK for some applications, and I see them pushing
>out the power in windy places.

Maybe they have got more reliable.  I mostly saw them throwing blades 
for the first couple of years.  Maybe they have got quieter.  The one 
which still works here is very noisy and I still hear reports 
elsewhere of noise.  I stand by my position that it was a short term 
and selfish thing to put them on the market in the first place.  Many 
people have had to put up with the ungodly racket who had no 
enthusiasm for renewable energy and have much less now.  If sales 
were restricted to appropriate places, the marketing department would 
die of hunger.

>  I needed a lie down after lugging a 600W
>Proven into my workshop today - hmmm, I think it is pretty obvious which
>will last longer. Costs a lot more though...

Doesn't have to.

>When is the AWP coming out with slip rings so that I can start selling it?

I believe the next generation AWP36 will have slip-rings as standard. 
Meanwhile I sell them without, and have never had a problem with the 
cables yet.



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