Wrenching in L.A. [RE-wrenches]

Graham Owen graham at solarexpert.com
Fri Jun 21 11:59:35 PDT 2002

Hi Todd,

You asked: I wonder why they want to keep this under the rug? Maybe if 
the people knew and were (rightly) outraged, this would be resolved at 

Todd, This is a great question.

Perhaps some wrenches don’t know where these solar rebate funds are 
coming from.  Since the deregulation of electricity in California a 
little more than 2% of every ratepayer electric bill does not go 
directly to the supplying utility.  It goes into “Public Benefit Trust 
Funds” to be used for environmental friendly projects that benefit the 
public.  Many cities in California have large sums of money in these 
trust funds.  I live in Burbank and the city uses the money to send 
everyone free boxes of compact fluorescent bulbs as well as installing 
Capstone turbines at the landfill.  Burbank also provides a 25% subsidy 
for solar powered attic fans.

Now back to L.A.  There is at least one person on the City Council who 
did not want to give the public benefits money back to LADWP.  I 
remember when I first received a copy of the LAWP solar program, several 
months before the rebates began, it bothered me that on page two it 
states that whatever funds the LADWP does not disperse they get to keep 
for their own projects.  This appeared to be a conflict of interest.  It 
took me almost a full year to be convinced that the department was truly 
behind the rebate program.

This entire situation has become very political, which is to be expected 
when millions of dollars are being handed out.  A lot of new hands start 
grabbing and wanting control.


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