utility obfuscation and obstruction [RE-wrenches]

Christopher Freitas - OutBack Power cfreitas at outbackpower.com
Wed May 8 12:38:44 PDT 2002

The issue of the externally accessible utility disconnect switch is one 
of the relative magnitude of the risk - we all live with other more 
significant risks every day that we feel that are acceptable... 

I think in many cases the utility goes overboard on requiring the 
disconnect when it is clearly not going to be used due to the location 
and access issues involved.  I have seen several sites where the desired 
location of the disconnect and the type required by the utility made the 
installation uneconomical.  Most of the lineman I have talked with say 
they will pull the meter if they had a real concern about the system.  

The reason why PV systems will not island in the real world is due to 
physics - which is pretty reliable stuff in my experience.  The 
comparison to nuclear power is not fair - Nuclear power, in contrast, is 
bound to fail because of the physics involved.   


William Miller wrote:

> All in all, if implemented reasonably, the switches do kind of make 
> sense. Backfeeds have killed line workers.  Technology does fail, even 
> with redundant safety systems.  This is one of my arguments against 
> nuclear power and I guess it applies here.

Christopher Freitas
OutBack Power Systems, Inc.
cfreitas at outbackpower.com  www.outbackpower.com
Tel 360 435 6030  Arlington WA USA

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