outback inverters [RE-wrenches]

Bill Brooks billb at endecon.com
Tue Oct 22 11:53:02 PDT 2002

Rob and others,

The CEC set the standard at five years. The manufacturers are required to
follow suit if they want their product sold in California.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Harlan [mailto:mendosol at mcn.org]
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 9:30 PM
To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
Subject: Re: outback inverters [RE-wrenches]

It is pretty clear that the FX2000 inverters are well designed.  They are in
a sealed housing which should eliminate a large chunk of problems that both
the SW and ST/STXR seem to have (dust, bugs, mice, slugs, etc).  The
inverter is designed to be easily diagnosed and repaired in the field by
"technicians" (that be us) with on-board diagnostic LEDs and "reasonably
priced", easily replaceable boards.  This should mean less hernias and
significantly reduced equipment down time. It is also gratifying to see that
they appear to be overbuilt in many ways.

What is missing (besides some color) as I see it, is a full five year
warranty. This issue goes way beyond the CEC Buydown program warranty
requirements that we installers sometimes get caught in the middle of.  The
solar industry needs manufacturers that are willing to make consistent,
reliable, durable equipment and fully back up their products.

SMA America and Advanced Energy have set an industry standard with five year
warranties on their inverters. These are  included with the initial purchase
price. In the name of solidifying the industry I hope Outback can follow

Other thoughts?

Rob Harlan
Mendocino Solar Service
mendosol at mcn.org

----- Original Message -----

> 2, FX2000's are the same size as one 4024/4048/5548. You get ~3KW per
> 4, FX2000's would be ~12 kW. The 2 kW rating is incredibly conservative.
> will start and run loads that a 4024 will not. The rating is not firm yet
> but will probably end up being around 3 kW at 35 degrees C. They will
> to 4200 watts for 4 minutes. These things are WAY cool. More mosfets =
> better wave form and they are sealed so stay clean inside.
> Todd
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