36V DC Lighting [RE-wrenches]

Allan Sindelar allan at positiveenergysolar.com
Tue Sep 3 17:54:52 PDT 2002

Whoops! That was supposed to be 32V DC lights, and yes, it's for an old
Jake-based system.

Is Light-It Technologies still around? Does anyone have contact info for
them? We'd rather avoid incandescent bulbs, and they used to offer their DC
CF ballast in a 32V version by special order.

Allan at Positive Energy

----- Original Message -----
> At 5:38 PM -0600 9/3/02, Colin wrote:
> >Hello Wrenches,
> >
> >I've got a customer who needs some 36 volt DC lights..   Go figure!
> >worry, we are in the works for a whole system overhaul / redesign next

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