American energy use [RE-wrenches]

matthew tritt solarone at
Mon Jul 29 09:53:36 PDT 2002

We use an average of 184 kWh per month for our 60 year-old ranch house, a trailer rental and shop/barn on this prop. That includes a 1950 GE one door fridge (1.5 kWh/day), a swamp cooler,
another 1951 fridge, computer, fax, copier, seldom-seen TV and sound system, mondo battery charger, and lot's of c.f. lights. We use propane for cooking and heating, along with an older Jotul woodstove. We have about 1.6 kW of Siemens panels (take-outs from customer up-grades), 2 old Zomeworks trackers, 12 pretty good newer L-16s, a variety of recent charge controllers and a Heart (oh well) 2500 Watt
static- wave lying in wait for me to stick em together. Can you sense my Scottish ancestry? When I get a break from putting in other peoples systems, this winter maybe, I intend to build this system as an alternate power supply using an automatic X-fer switch switch run by an old C-40 in diversion mode. I may, however, bite the bullet and use a Solarboost controller as a sort of concession to this century.

Has anyone out there tried using office equipment with a Heart 2500? I'm wondering about the possible need for filtering or other line conditioning with this thing. The price of
having a recycle mentality!

For those as thrifty as I, the early GE reefers are about as good as it gets for economical, repair-free refrigeration. As long as a teeny-weenie freezer works for you, that is. Mine has been running for over 50 years with no trouble (according to the liar I got it from!)


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