PV in India [RE-wrenches]

joeldavidson at earthlink.net joeldavidson at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 9 16:52:03 PDT 2002

Hello Ray,
Now I'm at the Singapore airport checking my mail. A lot of people got their first taste of/for PV in the Peace Corp overseas. I was a Vista Volunteer in Madison County, Arkansas (second poorest county in the second poorest state in the U.S.) when I put in my first little PV system. The Arkansas Ozarks are Fat City compared to some of the villages I visited. Most Americans could afford to give a 10W or 20W module for home lighting to someone in need. Who is organizing PV aid to people in developing countries?
Best regards,
Joel Davidson

Original Message:
From: Ray Walters remotech at taosnm.com
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 21:09:46 -0600
To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
Subject: Re: PV in India [RE-wrenches]

I have always said that the people who need PV the most are the ones who
can least afford it. Now I am more than ever convinced that this is true.

>Best regards,
>Joel Davidson
 I agree absolutely.
I went in to solar in the Peace corp to help the less fortunate, but there
are plenty of people right here in New Mexico that can't afford  some
sorely needed PV. Unfortunately to support my family, I have had to
concentrate on the high end market lately. I still have some used PV and
batteries that I move at cost, but going out to install it anymore....it
just doesn't work out.

Get grant funding to cover our costs and I'd be happy to set people up with
sensible little systems anywhere or do overseas training seminars. Just a
fraction of the cost of some of the military ordinance being dropped daily
could buy a lot of PV and make us some friends in the rest of the world again.
But the money never goes where you want it to go or does what you want it
to do: the pump paid with UNICEF funds thats watering a sheik's private
garden, the last vestiges of an indigenous culture lost to PV powered TV
and internet.
The ironies of trying to help are many, but I think solar is still the answer.
I have struggled to help, seen solar fail as well as succeed, felt guilty
for making a living from my work and now I'm over it all: I'm going to do
solar because I like it. Because its better than making A-bombs, because
it's ...... what I do. And if sometimes we can help those that need it the
most: Well maybe we can die a little happier.


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