Ceiling fans [RE-wrenches]

Bill Loesch, Saint Louis Solar bill_loesch at compuserve.com
Thu Oct 11 20:40:33 PDT 2001

RE-wrenches said:
>Has any one got any experience with an efficient AC ceiling fan? Any ideas
>model # and brand that will work best? 


 As you know there is a multitude of fans available. 

The faster you move the air, the greater the cooling effect. Hunter has
made an "Original" for many, many, many years, which is head and shoulders
above anything else commonly available on the market (including the
offerings of the captive Home Depot brand). Look at blade disk size and rpm
to determine how much air you're going to move.

The one item which is noteworthy which Florida Solar Energy Center was
initially promoting with the Gossamer series of fans was the use of a
(still in the works) control (occupancy sensor) which turns off the fan
when there is no one in the room. I know I have more than once left the
"air conditioned" room without remembering to turn off the fan only to come
back hours later.

Home Depot also currently sells the Hunter Original ( no remote control, no
included lights but does include an oil bath bearing lubrication) for $134.
Yes I'm quite pleased with all three units I have in my home and one I have
in my shop. You do need to structurally support the mounting. Using the
ceiling mounted junction box for electrical and structural support will
result in disappointment. (The fan is well over the 30 pound limit for
junction box attachment.)

I wish I could offer my DC customers anything close to this quality.

Bill Loesch
Solar 1- St. Louis Solar

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