Placement of lightning rods [RE-wrenches]

Ray Walters remotech at
Sun Mar 11 13:10:30 PST 2001

 Polyphaser has been making
>protectors for many years, to protect military and communication operations
>that are hit by lightning repeatedly, while suffering little or no damage."
We started using Polyphasor a couple of years ago, when the shortcomings of
Delta became apparent. They are pricey, but so far no failures - which is
the problem in lightning protection: until you've experienced a known
lightning incident with no failures, you don't really know if what you're
doing works. Lightning is notoriusly difficult to recreate in a lab.

As for Windy's comment about the light flash being responsible for PV
voltage surges- I think it is plausible and deserves more research.

Grounding to a steel cased well is the only sure ground in our country. Our
highest incidents of lightning occur before the rain has had a chance to
saturate the ground. 

We have had multiple failures in 12 VDC & 24 VDC systems with Deltas in
place. Smoked controllers, inverters, and meters with no visible damage to
the Delta. For lack of anything better, we still use Deltas on the AC side
of the inverter as their high clamp off voltage makes more sense at 120 VAC.

Bill, I almost always do a lightning dance too.(The look on the customers'
faces is always worth it) Taos pueblo has some folks that could do a great
job if the situation were serious. The gods demand appeasement!
Solar Ray

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