QO Breakers and Panels [RE-wrenches]
William Miller
wrmiller at slonet.org
Wed Mar 7 22:56:54 PST 2001
At 09:13 AM 3/7/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Does paucity have a website? Do they make things besides array combining
>products? Seriously though I don't know what paucity means but I assume it
>means "very little".
paucity \po-set-e\ noun
: smallness of number or quantity : SCARCITY
1996 by Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
William Miller
SLO Communications: Communications and Power Systems Consulting
PO Box 50, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Voice :805-438-5600 Fax: 805-438-4607 VMail: 805-546-4875
email: wrmiller at slonet.org
License No. C-10-773985
Word processor: WP7
Spreadsheet: Quatro Pro 7
CAD: Microstation 95, DXF, Visio 4.1T
"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." Dan Quayle
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