becoming an inter-tie system [RE-wrenches]

Eric Smiley Eric_Smiley at
Mon Mar 5 14:52:11 PST 2001

This is a concern for us Canadian wrenches. There is no requirement for
a GFCI in our existing code, although it has been debated many times due
to the NEC requirement. In the course I teach to engineers, I mention
the issue and share my opinion that in 48 volt systems a GFCI may be
justified. However, I have to agree that unless the circuit is
interrupted near the array, installing such a device provides very
little protection.

Our lab has considered doing some testing on the effectiveness and need
for such a device. If we do, I'll certainly share the results.

At a minimum, we would need to do some testing.  Could it be done at The
Funky Mountain Institute or Backwoods?  If the DC array ground fault
protection could be clearly demonstrated to be a useless piece of junk,
maybe we could make some headway.  I would love to test this as an RE
project, but it would require time and equipment, neither of which I
currently have.  If anyone could connect me with a source of potential
funding, things could move forward.

Eric Smiley
Project Leader - BCIT Technology Centre
Photovoltaic Energy Applied Research Lab (PEARL) - BCIT
ph: (604)432-8657

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